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Ronal Infante Transdisciplinary Design Lead
Digital / Physical / Service

The Human Resources department at Rice University was using a very old, very convoluted content management system (CMS) before I joined their team. Updating the content on their site involved shuffling through disconnected folders via an unorganized, puzzling interface. Any mention of websites or content management generally made the team cringe.

rice-HR-old-1 rice-HR-old-2

Screenshots of the old site. Click to view at full size.

As a result, their old site suffered in the front-end. The site displayed all of the content in a table-based layout, which is no longer the standard for modern websites, and the code had all sorts of artifacts that were produced by the CMS. The content was organized by sections based on the department’s internal divisions, which forced users to jump around the site or rely on the search function to find their desired content.

Their team needed a simple and modern way to upload their forms and update their content to highlight their excellent work. With their help, we migrated the content, restructured the site based on the needs of the audience (instead of internal department divisions), and implemented customized functionality that is intuitive for visitors to use, easy to update, and is brand compliantall within the time span of 2 months! Now, the site serves as a modern hub for current and prospective Rice employees, showcasing the comprehensive tools and benefits available to Rice employees and recognizing outstanding Rice employees for their service.

I am currently also working with the Office of Organizational and Professional Development to update their site. Stay tuned for updates.