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Ronal Infante Transdisciplinary Design Lead
Digital / Physical / Service

Dr. Richard A. Tapia’s mission to increase minority representation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is one I have tremendous respect for. It is a great honor to have been able to work with Dr. Tapia and the Richard Tapia Center (RTC).

I was hired as a student worker to develop a website for the RTC and a personal CV site for Dr. Tapia. I used WordPress to develop a customized content management system for the center’s staff, so that each member could post, edit, and organize all content on the website via their own separate accounts.

For convenience, I connected the two sites in the back-end by setting up a WordPress Multisite network. WordPress Multisite differs from traditional WordPress installations in that each member is able to easily switch between editing the two different sites.

For the front-end code, I used responsive design techniques, meaning that the websites responded to the universal web – any device of any size and resolution.

The RTC had many videos to showcase. I made a video page that displayed select videos and pulled their metadata automatically by utilizing YouTube’s Data API. Staff members were able to add videos by providing their Youtube URL and selecting between a few display parameters.

Since then, the RTC has switched to Drupal as part of University-wide website overhaul. Below are screenshots of my work, no longer live.